Monday, June 27, 2011

Oathstone Contest Results!

It was so fun reading what everyone would do with Szeth and his Oathstone. Many of your comments made me stop and think for a bit...  others made me laugh! Thanks for all your great comments!

Now for our winners!

1. Curtis
2. punk_rocker
3. Sarabi

PLEASE email me at with your desired shirt design and size and of course where you would like me to send it. Congrats to our winners!

THANKS to all who commented! Next month's contest will include something a little bit different...  :-)


  1. Congratulations for the contest winners. Just a heads up to, if any t-shirts are missing in the middle of the night it was just Szeth picking them up for me. No big deal.

  2. LOL! Make sure he picks one up for himself too. :-D
