Thanks to everyone who participated!
A quick announcement: We are in league with Ta'veren Tees! We will be selling each other's fantastic shirts at the different conventions we attend. Since we are on opposite sides of the country, this works out great. For the official announcement, Click Here. We are super excited!!
Remember to come see Brandon at Comic-Con. We now know we will be in Artist Alley, Booth II-10. We will be giving away free stuff everyday. We will post an official schedule before Comic-Con so check back for all the goodies.
Now for the Winners:
2 Epic Fan Winners: "Samantha" and "James Thompson"
InkWing Twitter Winner: "Zach Stay" @zas678
IzykStewart Twitter Winner: @xicyer
InkWing Facebook Page Winner: Elicius Rowlands
If you won, please send me an email at inkwingarts at gmail dot com with your desired design (if different from Szeth), your shirt size, and where to send it.
If you didn't win, I'll be doing another free t-shirt contest next month!