Monday, February 27, 2012

February Contest Results!

Wow! Thanks for all your votes and comments. They really help a ton!

Here are the results:

#1: 112 votes
#2: 33 votes
#3A: 73 votes
#3B: 128 votes

Due to such a close vote between #3B and #1, we decided to print BOTH designs. So, they are now available for PRE-ORDER!!

Now, for our winners:

1- Courtland vs Elephants
2- Sarabhi
3- cnborjas

And because we had such a great turn out...

Bonus Winner- Steven Maierson

Winner, please email me at inkwingarts at gmail dot com with your desired design, size, and an address to ship it to.

Thanks so much for participating! Come back for next month's contest!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Which Design Do You Love? Contest

First, let me apologize for not having a contest in January. I was recovering from the holidays, sick, and taking care of sick children. But, this month's contest will make up for it cuz we have new shirt designs!

Comment below on which design you love the most (and why, if you want.) Please vote! This helps us determine which shirt we'll print up next.

#3B (different back/same front!)
These shirts were designed by Ben McSweeney and Isaac.

I will be keeping track of the answers and whichever design gets the most votes, we'll print it up for everyone to enjoy. I will pick 3 random participants and they will have their choice of shirt- new or old design!

Winners announced: Monday, February 27, 2012.